Anxiety of Youth
I asked Teresa if she was excited about starting Kindergarten next year. I’m really excited, but I’m nervous about waking up so early like my sisters. I wake up her sisters at 6 a.m. I wake her up at 6:10 a.m. Austin, Texas, United States of America Also on: Facebook
CEO Patch
Girl Scouts have patches for everything. When you meet the CEO of the region, she gives girls a patch like commanders do with military challenge coins. Also on: Facebook X Instagram
Coaching Debut
Tomorrow, the Delwood Grasshoppers make their tee ball debut with their first-time head coach (me). If everyone runs to first base, I'm going to celebrate like I hit a walk-off grand slam in Game 7 of the World Series. Also on: Facebook X
Children’s Allergies
Over on the Daddy Blog, I shared a video of a 4-minute presentation I gave on one of the challenges of having a kiddo with food allergies. Watch the video below or click the link above to read the transcript. Also on: X
Merry Christmas!
I just chugged a glass of soy milk and crammed some cookies in my face when one of the kids woke up to use the bathroom after we set out gifts. 🎄🎅🍪🥛 #dadlife Also on: X Facebook
Piñatas Are The Tipping Point
For future reference, the math checks out for a Spanish Mass, Spanish rosary, and Spanish posadas followed by piñatas and cookies to still be "fun" to a six-year old. Also on: Facebook X
Ziploc Bags
For school this year, the older two need very specific types and sizes of Ziploc bags. I’ve bought them twice. Twice, I bought the wrong ones. Also on: X Facebook
Preschool Recital
I’m in a three-block line to enter a preschool recital. Also on: X
Just in the nick of time…
I was mere seconds from going to bed when I thought to check that I started the dishwasher. To my children and their breakfast plates, you’re welcome. Bank of America Building, Austin, Texas, United States of America Also on: X