Texas Leading Innovation
This is why I chose UT-Austin for my undergraduate education. An institution of the first class, they solve problems that most aren't yet aware exists.
Children’s Allergies
Over on the Daddy Blog, I shared a video of a 4-minute presentation I gave on one of the challenges of having a kiddo with food allergies. Watch the video below or click the link above to read the transcript. Also on: X
Mole Fairy
My mother-in-law walked in, set down a huge container of chicken mole, then left the house. That was pretty amazing. Also on: Facebook X
No more coffee in flight?
They may not tell you, but there are a few things flight attendants would never drink in the air. Source: Why you should think twice before ordering coffee or tea on a plane Per the article, airplane tap water is really gross so don’t drink the coffee. Do I chance it as the airport-kiosk-coffee lobby…
Cup After Cup
One of those days where I literally cannot drink enough coffee. Also on: X googleplus Facebook
Summer Coffee
If I’m at home, I always drink hot coffee. If the outside temperature is over 96°F and I’m away from old, iced coffee. Also on: X