One small joy in these times is Ruth’s demand for her evening milk right at 5:30 pm. She’ll knock on my office door, demands to see the cow on the milk jug, then will cuddle with me while drinking it.
Single Shot
This guy’s problem is he shouldn’t be on Single Shot Cir if he needs multiple shots.
Austin officially pops onto list of U.S. cities with 1 million residents or more
Source: Austin officially pops onto list of U.S. cities with 1 million residents or more
Austin is getting big. We’re at 1M residents. When I moved here, it was about 650k. Driving down S. 1st for the first time in awhile—South Austin still feels like home even though we moved north of the river in 2010—you can feel the change. The old residential homes turned into small shops are turning into new multipurpose midrises.
When I moved here, they said that Austin doubled in population every 20 years. 18 years later, we’re going to be right about there still.
Introducing Graph v8.0 and Marketing API v8.0
Facebook For Developers
Source: Introducing Graph v8.0 and Marketing API v8.0
oEmbeds won’t work for FB or IG starting at the end of October without registering an app with them. Using FB or IG is active participation in killing the open web.