If you were ever curious what kind of box they ship a chair in.
Researchers say there are three possible explanations for the anomalous data: One is mundane. Two would revolutionize physics.
Source: A Super Sensitive Dark Matter Search Yields Strange Results
The Texas Tribune is using data from the Texas Department of State Health Services to track how many Texans have tested positive for the novel coronavirus in Texas each day. The state data comes from local health officials and it may not represent all cases of the disease given limited testing. Here’s what we know about the daily numbers.
Source: Texas reports 4,430 new coronavirus cases, a record high
National Archives finds the original hand written Juneteeth order. Proclamation informed last Texas enslaved they were free.
Source: Juneteenth original order found in National Archives – The Washington Post
Parents face agonizing decisions as the state leaves it up to child care operators to decide what coronavirus safety precautions they wish to continue.
Source: Coronavirus cases increase at Texas day cares as state safety rules repealed | The Texas Tribune
In an effort to secure N95 masks for first responders and public health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Austin has had to cancel deals
Source: As The City Of Austin Ramps Up COVID-19 Testing, It Tries And Fails To Get N95 Masks
The state reported a total of 2,947 people in hospitals on Thursday.
Source: Texas coronavirus hospitalizations hit record highs for a full week
New hospitalization data from @TexasDSHS: There are 2,793 *confirmed* #COVID19 patients in Texas hospitals. This is another record high. Nine of the last ten days have been record highs.
The state is reporting 13.8K available hospital beds, 1,5K ICU beds, and 5,844 vents https://t.co/KOeEdGJK59 pic.twitter.com/57T2ptRd8D
— Shannon (@ShannonNajma) June 17, 2020
A new study shows how turbulence from a toilet bowl can create a large plume that is potentially infectious to a bathroom’s next visitor.
Source: Flushing the Toilet May Fling Coronavirus Aerosols All Over – The New York Times
Shared in a8c’s #announcements channel with a caption of Reason № 99 that distributed work is the best work.
Will this create a new industry of bathroom timers that re-lock the door after someone flushes for X seconds while a vent sucks out the air?