Former Rep’s Opines on ACA Appeal
If the American Health Care Act is signed into law, people with preexisting conditions such as me might not be able to get the care we need. Source: Opinion | To my colleagues in Congress: I have MS. Don’t make my insurance unaffordable.
Mobile App UI Fail
This morning, I needed to post a quick note to my team’s p2 about a scheduled standing meeting today I would be missing. I often use the mobile app for posting something short like that (and this post). This works well until when I post it to this site instead of the p2. Would an…
Senate Health Bill Reels as C.B.O. Predicts 22 Million More Uninsured
The figure released by the Congressional Budget Office is only slightly lower than the 23 million more uninsured under the House version of the legislation. Source: Senate Health Bill Reels as C.B.O. Predicts 22 Million More Uninsured I intentionally waited for the CBO report before contacting my senators. I’m okay with changing the system, but…
Facepile Lives
Rough, but any new ‘like’ webmention to my site will be given a ‘like’ custom comment type and displayed in a facepile. Still need to convert the existing ones. See both previous (for now) and new likes on this post about Fr. Bill. Also on: X X
Fr. Bill Day
June 28th will be “Fr. Bill Day” in Austin, thanks to the City Council. He’s done good in his time here and wish him well in his new ministry as Bishop of Pensacola-Tallahassee. Also on: X Facebook
50% There
Southwest informed me that I’m over halfway to qualifying for their Companion Pass. With it, someone can fly with me for only the cost of security fees and my ticket can be purchased via points. Where should I go? Last time we had this, we flew about four times for ~$100. Also on: X X…
No more coffee in flight?
They may not tell you, but there are a few things flight attendants would never drink in the air. Source: Why you should think twice before ordering coffee or tea on a plane Per the article, airplane tap water is really gross so don’t drink the coffee. Do I chance it as the airport-kiosk-coffee lobby…
Cup After Cup
One of those days where I literally cannot drink enough coffee. Also on: X googleplus Facebook
Happy Fathers’ Day
I’m wishing all fathers—all the way from biological to father-figures—a wonderful day. May we continue to put our all into those in our care. Also on: X Facebook