Keeping It Clean
I went through my debug log tonight, which had been a bit long mainly due to older plugins throwing warnings in PHP 7. Of four plugins generating PHP 7 warnings, two had merged-but-unreleased fixes, one has a pending PR that I could apply and confirm working, and wrote a PR for the last one. Clean…
Facepile Lives
Rough, but any new ‘like’ webmention to my site will be given a ‘like’ custom comment type and displayed in a facepile. Still need to convert the existing ones. See both previous (for now) and new likes on this post about Fr. Bill. Also on: X X
Same site, only blog-ier: Introducing kraft.blog
I flipped my site over last night to live officially at kraft.blog. In addition to being a more accurate domain name than “kraft.im”, it’s also a bit easier to say and share with folks. No offense to the Isle of Man—the country for whom .im belongs—I’ve spread your fame far and wide in sharing my…