The fun part to me is, if the COVID argument doesn’t fly, they’re asking for relief under the 26th Amendment, giving the vote to 18 year olds, under the notion that by allowing unlimited ballot by mail access to those 65+, they are abridging the rights of 18-64 year olds to vote.
I never thought I’d needed to give the 26th another thought after turning 18, but here I am. #26A
“Last week we saw a significant breakdown in our editing processes, not the first we’ve experienced in recent years,” said A. G. Sulzberger, the publisher.
I wrote a letter to the editor of the New York Times for the first time concerning this.
I appreciate that the New York Times publish different opinions and points of view, but this particular piece had incorrect facts and was not placed in context.
If the intent, as Mr. Bennet had said, was for this to serve as a counterargument, then the paper should include a sidebar on where to find the other. Facts stated by an opinion writer need to be checked and correct. The opinion is an opinion, but the supporting information needs to be accurate.
There is growing economic pressure to reopen national parks and ease travel restrictions even as many states are still seeing a rise in coronavirus cases.
I really feel for seasonal businesses—even if things return to relative normal within the next couple of months, they’ve lost the year.
With an outdoor park, closing the visitor centers and pushing people to get information virtually would help a lot. We went to Joshua Tree, Devil’s Tower, and Badlands last summer. We could stay pretty isolated, except at the Visitor’s Centers, where it was pretty crowded relatively.
Yet again, the president used the Secret Service as an excuse for his profiteering, and yet again Secret Service records suggest he’s not telling the truth.
While I don’t disagree with the overall idea of needing to be sure we can make office spaces safe, the real kicker is how to make a space safe when those using the space won’t follow best practices.
Maybe White House staff wear masks all the times cameras aren’t present, but I’d wager they aren’t wearing them in line with best practices. All the tests in the world won’t prevent anything if you are being stupid.
If it is so hard to maintain a healthy environment at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, then how can businesses across the country establish a safe space for their workers?