I just registered for my second semester of MBA coursework. Cost Control Analysis and Model-Based Problem Solving.
His tent may be rebuilt in you
Praise the Lord for his goodness,and bless the King of the ages,so that his tent may be rebuilt in you with joy.
Tobit 13, from today’s morning prayer. -
‘Ran for Our Lives’: How the Deadliest Ultramarathon Claimed 21 Runners
A brutal cold front and poorly organized event in China left participants begging for rescue and freezing to death on the trail
Source: ‘Ran for Our Lives’: How the Deadliest Ultramarathon Claimed 21 Runners
This is horrific. Races should be equipped to handle situations like this with staff who put the safety of participants first.
Can Nuclear Fusion Put the Brakes on Climate Change?
Is limitless clean energy finally approaching?
Source: Can Nuclear Fusion Put the Brakes on Climate Change?
This New Yorker piece makes me sad, not because of the hope of fusion, but that we’re still so far away from it. How incredible could that be?
Watching season one of Ted Lasso and looked up soccer relegation. Basically the worst team is demoted down to the next lower playing level, e.g. a MLB team would be relegated to AAA minors.
That could make baseball a lot more interesting. “My team won’t win the pennant, but they’re playing for survival!”
First Degree…
THE FIRST DEGREE of humility is obedience without delay
Chapter 7, Rule of St. BenedictA note that I want to expand on this for Oblates, that is people in the world who strive to live by the Rule.
While this is mentioned in the context of living under an abbot at a monastery, we can apply this to married life.
If my wife and I are fulfilling our role as the leaders of our domestic church, then our individual primary goal is to return to God with our spouses. With that in mind, my wife represents an abbess to me (and I an abbot to her) and so I should obey her without delay.
obedientia sine mora
RIP Rob Bollinger
My brother-in-law passed away due to cancer on September 1st and was remembered by friends and family on September 6th.
He’ll be interred at Ft. Sill National Cemetery on a date in the future.
Wichita Falls, TX -
Pandemic of the Unvaccinated
It’s going to take a lot of science to show me that the unvaccinated population is not contributing in a non-proportional way to the transmission and hospitalization of COVID.
Even with breakthrough cases and viral load levels being the same initially, vaccinated people don’t carry that load as long and an early study suggests carry less contagious viral load.
Futhermore, looking at hospitalization rates, unvaccinated people, by far, are the ones ending up in the hospital and ICU beds.